Reading Time: 3 minutesIn most cases a website is not something that you can simply add to the world wide web and let sit there unattended. For it to be effective in serving whatever purpose you had for adding it to the internet in the first place you will need to monitor it, fix any issues that might […]
Top Five Website Scams to Watch for in 2019
Reading Time: 3 minutesAs 2018 comes to a close, you’re probably looking forward to making improvements to your business for 2019. You may even be looking for places to spend your marketing dollars. This makes the new year a prime time for phone calls and emails from people selling you marketing services. While many of these are legitimate, […]
Domain Name Scams: Don’t Get Slammed
Reading Time: 2 minutesIt’s that time of year again. Year-end sales in home mailboxes. Last-minute bids for charitable donations. And domain name scams — notifications from companies you’ve never heard of, trying to convince you that they do business with you. You may have seen this before — an official-looking letter shows up at your office, from a […]
Service, or Scam?
Reading Time: 3 minutesIf you have your own website, chances are you’ve received something in the mail reminding you to renew your domain name before it expires. People generally react to these notices in one of the following ways: “Is this actually something I have to worry about?” “I already paid for my web hosting, so I’m good. […]