The dark side of the web isn’t the only place to pick up dangerous malware and viruses. In fact, adult websites have actually become some of the safest sites to visit from a technology standpoint.
Surprisingly, recent findings have shown that the majority of hazards come from the websites you’d least expect: simple blogs, personal sites, and small business sites.
I came across this interesting tidbit of information when we were asked to redesign and manage new websites for the Episcopal Diocese of Springfield and Emmanuel Memorial Episcopal Church here in Champaign. (Don’t bother searching for our handiwork just yet. It’s still in progress as of this writing.)
With budgets being tight, many small businesses and religious groups rely on family, well-meaning friends, and even volunteers to handle much of their web design work. But with web technology growing faster than the average audience, many part-time developers are simply unaware of the countless problems that can occur with an underdeveloped site. Sadly, a lack of proper web security makes these sites prime targets for hackers and their tools. In fact, a whopping 18% of all cyber attacks are waged against small businesses.
Are the security measures in place on your site providing sufficient protection for your site and your visitors?
Image source: Symantec