Reading Time: 3 minutesI recently came across an article on listing five ways to attract visitors to your website. As I was reading each item on the list I kept thinking that I had read these ideas before. Well, it turns out that I had. Previous ThirdSide blog posts have touched on each of the concepts presented […]
Two-Factor Authentication is easy, free, and will save your digital life
Reading Time: 3 minutesYears ago I was a business-to-business sales rep for AT&T. As part of my job, I carried three pieces of equipment: a Blackberry, a laptop, and a keychain with a constantly changing LCD display. I quickly learned that this keychain was used for two-factor authentication. It was the key to accessing everything I needed on […]
Ten years ago today, your life changed.
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe birth of the mobile web You may not have known it at the time or you may have been acutely aware of it. But on July 29, 2007 at 6:00PM, people were ushered into Apple Stores and AT&T Stores one at a time. At that moment the ubiquitous iPhone started to find its way into […]
Spotlight: Buzard Pipe Organ Builders
Reading Time: 2 minutesYou may not be aware of it, but right here in Champaign we are fortunate to have something that many people think of as an old-world craft…a full service pipe organ building company. Housed in a simple four-story brick building near downtown Champaign, John-Paul Buzard Pipe Organ Builders has been building, installing, and maintaining pipe […]
Before & After: Palmer Arena
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe folks at the David S. Palmer Arena in Danville knew that their website was ready for a facelift. They already had a really energetic logo, but there were a lot of little details that weren’t exactly what they wanted, particularly how the site displayed on mobile devices. A solid 70% of their site’s visitors […]
Spotlight: Dallas & Co.
Reading Time: 2 minutesWhat better opportunity to work a bit of digital magic than upgrading the website for local costume-and-magic shop Dallas & Co? When founder Andy Dallas passed the mantle to his son Rob and Rob’s wife Ashley about two years ago, they took the opportunity to try something new. The result? A bright, colorful new website […]