Reading Time: 4 minutesYou’ve heard it before, and it bears repeating: Your website is your front door. If you think about the way people work and play today, it makes perfect sense. When somebody wants to know about your business or organization, the first place they go is your website. But what if people can’t find your website […]
Casting Off: Exploring the World of Podcasts and Marketing
Reading Time: 4 minutesListening to a podcast is a bit like going back in time. Sure, you have this digital arsenal of hundreds or even thousands of unique voices at your fingertips. But at the same time, podcasts hearken back to a simpler time — one that most of us never experienced — where the family would gather […]
Customer Loyalty Programs: Making Them Work For Your Business
Reading Time: 3 minutesCustomer loyalty programs. As consumers, each of us probably belongs to at least a few of them. Afterall, who would turn away the opportunity to save a little money on routine purchases? Many of the giant retailers and restaurants have them–Kohl’s, CVS, AMC Theaters, Starbuck’s, and McDonald’s–to name just a few. But what about your […]
Print vs. Digital: Choosing the Right Method for Your Message
Reading Time: 2 minutesEvery year our technological advancements seem to progress more and more, and with this comes more possibilities for digital marketing. Digital ads allow for instant exposure anywhere on the planet, so what is it about physical printed materials that keep them around? They take time to produce, are expensive to distribute, and don’t allow for […]
Is It Time to Stop Boosting Your Facebook Posts?
Reading Time: 2 minutesMost business owners and social media/marketing directors know that getting traction on your Facebook posts has gotten more and more difficult as Facebook has changed their News Feed algorithm. Changes rolled out this spring emphasize post engagement and personal connections. With a potential organic reach of 2% or less of a business’ followers, achieving enough […]
Once You Pop, Can You Stop? The Facts about Pop-Ups
Reading Time: 5 minutesI love building websites. It’s kind of my way of molding at least part of the internet to match my personal preferences as a user. But every so often I get a request from a client that directly conflicts with how I like to enjoy my time on the internet. In those cases, I will […]